이 책은 성찰을 통한 영어 학습, 영어 학습을 통한 성찰을 목표로 만들어진 영어 학습 교재이다. 학습자는 한 학기 동안 다양한 주제에 대해 대화, 토론함으로써 자신의 생각을 숙고하고, 이를 바탕으로 매주 일기 형식의 영작문을 하게 된다. 그리고 이에 관한 동료와 교사의 의견을 수용하는 과정에서 인식력과 정서적•사회적 성장에 긍정적인 피드백을 제공받을 수 있다. 영어회화, 영어토론, 영작문 등 다양한 수업현장에서 학습자 저널, 영어 일기장으로 활용될 수 있으며, 예비•현직 영어교사 연수에서도 교사들이 활용할 수 있다. 이 책은 언어학습도 하나의 교육과정으로 보아 배움의 방법, 문제해결능력, 비판적 사고력을 터득할 수 있도록 계획하는 전인교육적 시각에서 편성되었다. 이번 개정판은 2004년에 발간된 초판을 전면적으로 수정•보완한 것이다.
English Reflections: An Interactive Learner Journal
English Reflections is an English textbook, a personal diary, a learning journal, and a collection of integrated, interactive, reflective activities. Its purpose is to encourage discussion and writing, and consequently to raise awareness of the learning process, fostering self-confidence, motivation, and autonomous learning.
English Reflections has two focuses of interest:
1. Interaction: This involves listening, sharing, and growing together, and is a crucial aspect of language learning. This journal contains interactive questionnaires, surveys, discussion topics, and other activities which encourage everyone to talk, listen, read and write about learning. These activities are performed best in the classroom.
2. Reflection: This involves thinking about learning needs, learning strategies, learning achievements, and future study plans. Students reflect on feelings, observations and opinions about learning, through discussion, individual writing, and self-assessment.
These two focuses have been integrated in this book. Students discuss and explore the issues in class and then reflect upon them at home, writing at least one dairy-style composition each week in the My Reflections pages, based on the group discussions and interactions of the preceding pages. The teacher can comment upon these compositions, in a special “Teacher´s Thoughts” page, which provides an opportunity to offer feedback on linguistic, cognitive, affective and social growth.
While using this journal, students learn to respect themselves as learners and to trust themselves as responsible human beings, and they can discover an invaluable treasure - the love of learning. This treasure will serve them forever, helping them to take on new skills and ideas and to adapt to new situations, preparing them for the unpredictable learning experiences in their future lives.